Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tomato #185

Cadmium Lemon, Cadmium Red Deep, Prussian Blue and Titanium White.

This is the final in the series and emphasizes the Prussian Blue. I thought about doing this with more of a green bent but this was working so well I kept going. The background color could be great for shadows-what a great gray: it has a lot of red and a small amount of the other colors and white. Not much yellow is visible on the tomato but I did use it to green up the Prussian and to do the lights. I think a lot of these resulting colors could be useful in painting water. I am happy with the cools and warms as well as the lights and darks and reflective lights. This is a variety of tomato I've not seen before.

Painted September 30, 2010

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