Tuesday, August 17, 2010

 #147-Cadmium Lemon, Quinacridone Red, Sap Green & White

I am still a chicken-I am not pushing the color relationships as much as I need to. I am still happy with th resultas a painting of a tomato, but would have liked to put more green into the body of the tomato. Q. Red and Sap Green make a very nice brown. the more I use Q. Red, the more I like it. I bought it because of what Tina Tammaro said about it  (although I don't remember what it was-consult notes). I have never used Cadmium Lemon so this has been valuable in introducing me to these colors-8-17-2010

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your blog MB...I have one ready to go if I ever have the time to spend on it!
